We have several for sale! Please view all our sales policy below.
Scroll to the bottom to see what we have for sale.
Scroll to the bottom to see what we have for sale.
Updated: 7/22/2012
If you are interested in any of the bunnies below, please contact me by email. (You can find it under the 'Contact Me' tab). If you would like to see them at a show, I will be at most of the northern shows, and will be showing at Spring Show at the Yolo County Fairgrounds in May, and at the Yolo County Fair in August. We can also make other arrangements if you can't make it to any of the shows I will be at.
**If you would like to make a deposit and put a bunny on hold, please contact me.**
**If you would like to make a deposit and put a bunny on hold, please contact me.**
Sale Policy
~I will not
sell any rabbit showing signs of snuffles, infection, or any other visible
~All of my rabbits will be healthy to
the best of my knowledge at the time of sale. I will be sure to give a health
inspection in your presence when the rabbit is sold.
~I make sure to handle my rabbits on a daily
basis. Because they are handled, most of my rabbits should have good
temperament. I will not sell any animal that is showing signs of being
~If the rabbit has any known allergy, the
buyer will be notified of it.
~Every judge is different
and I cannot guarantee the results of your showing any rabbit purchased from us.
Each breeding is different and the results of your rabbit may change.
show and breeding stock will be sold with a complete pedigree unless stated
~Any known faults or disqualifications are listed beside the
rabbit being sold.
Usual Prices:
Mini Lops:
Pet Quality: $25 (Does NOT come with a pedigree)
Brood Quality: $40+ (Pedigreed)
Show Quality: $40+ (Pedigreed)
Jersey Wooly:
Pet Quality: $25 (Does NOT come with a pedigree)
Brood Quality: $40+ (Pedigreed)
Show Quality: $40+ (Pedigreed)
(will haggle on most prices)
~I will not
sell any rabbit showing signs of snuffles, infection, or any other visible
~All of my rabbits will be healthy to
the best of my knowledge at the time of sale. I will be sure to give a health
inspection in your presence when the rabbit is sold.
~I make sure to handle my rabbits on a daily
basis. Because they are handled, most of my rabbits should have good
temperament. I will not sell any animal that is showing signs of being
~If the rabbit has any known allergy, the
buyer will be notified of it.
~Every judge is different
and I cannot guarantee the results of your showing any rabbit purchased from us.
Each breeding is different and the results of your rabbit may change.
show and breeding stock will be sold with a complete pedigree unless stated
~Any known faults or disqualifications are listed beside the
rabbit being sold.
Usual Prices:
Mini Lops:
Pet Quality: $25 (Does NOT come with a pedigree)
Brood Quality: $40+ (Pedigreed)
Show Quality: $40+ (Pedigreed)
Jersey Wooly:
Pet Quality: $25 (Does NOT come with a pedigree)
Brood Quality: $40+ (Pedigreed)
Show Quality: $40+ (Pedigreed)
(will haggle on most prices)